2004 October

The 49th Kinki Religious Women Federation’s General Assembly in Kobe

On October 14, Mrs. Sugako Miyake, wife of Senior Chief Minister of Konko Church of Izuo, and tens of woman believers of Izuo Church attended the 49th Kinki Religious Women Federation’s General Assembly in Kobe.

the venue was filled with religious women

The memorial stature for the victims of Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake who were died 6,500 people in 1995 was set on the stage. Kobe, which was charged in the GA host in 1995, passed twice because of the great earthquake, and it was the first meeting in Kobe since then.

executive members of the Federation

All the attendees read out the principle of the Federation leaded by Bhiksuni Shozui Rokujo, the Head Priestess of Domyoji Temple, chanted a prayer, and then Mme. Haruko Kibe, President of the Federation, delivered an opening address.

the memorial service for
the victims of the great earthquake

Then the memorial service for the victims of Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake was held with message from Governor of Hyogo Prefecture, speech delivered who lost a daughter in the earthquake, and music bell performed by disabled group.

They also held charity bazaar during lunch break, and enjoyed traditional music played by a group that preserved 1400 years tradition.

Mrs. Miyake was introduced to
the attendees

Following these attractions, the commemorative lecture was delivered by a Tibet Musician, then Mme. Ayano Otani, mother of the former Patriarch of Shinshu Otani-ha, made an address.

In closing the meeting, Mrs. Miyake as a representative of members in Osaka made an address to announce Osaka would hold the 50th GA in 2005 and would welcome all the attendees.

The Former Foreign Minister Visited

On October 11, Dr. Taro Nakayama, the former Foreign Minister, visited the Most Rev. Tatsuo Miyake, Senior Chief Minister, at Konko Church of Izuo.

they had a great conversation

It was just one day since the House of Representative had been disbanded, Dr. Nakayama exchanged opinions with the most reverend about serious issues including “Special Aco for Iraq.” He talked especially about the management of intelligence satellite that had been launched according to his proposal.

They also talked about their family because Nakayama family and Miyake family had had long friendship since their parents generation.

Group Visiting to the Headquarters ?

On October 10, a party of believers of Izuo Church visited the headquarters of Konko-kyo in Okayama prefecture to attend the 120th Anniversary Grand Service for the Founder Konko Daijin.

the party from Izuo Church

In connection with the 120th year since the founder, Konko Daijin, had passed away, Konko-kyo held the anniversary grand service 5 times during September 28 to October 12. Izuo Church decided to charter a train to send the tour twice in this period.

They left Osaka station at 6:30 am, and a lot of flag of Konko-kyo around the station because Konko Church of Abeno also sent the tour to the headquarters.

Rev. M. Miyake delivered a sermon

The party informed their official visiting to the sacred hall as soon as they arrived, and then went up to Mt. Yuzaki where the tomb of the founder was located. Rev. Mitsuo Miyake, Chief Minister Designated of Izuo Church, delivered a sermon in front of the tomb.

Then they also visited the cemetery for Izuo Church believer, which had been cleaned in June and September, and Rev. Miyake offered the service.

the 120th anniversary grand service

They attended the Grand Service at the Grand Worshipping Hall before they left for Osaka. The Sacred Hall is quite huge building 15,000 people join in one time.

Inauguration Ceremony of Yakushi-ji Temple

On October 9, Rev. Yoshinobu Miyake, Executive Director of Konko Church of Izuo, attended on behalf of the Most Rev. Tatsuo Miyake, Senior Chief Minister, the inauguration ceremony of the Chief Abbott of Yakushi-ji Temple in Nara that concluded the re-construction of the cathedral.

Rev. Miyake attended in an official costume

The venue was decorated with traditional five colors and traditional music, dance, and Noh (traditional style drama) were performed. The newly appointed Chief Abbott, the Most Ven. Eiin Yasuda, has deep relationship with Izuo Church through the activities of the World Conference on Religion and Peace and so on.

IARF/ JLC 127th Meeting

On October 7, International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) Japan Liaison Committee (JLC) held the 127th meeting at Rissho Kosei-kai Headquarters in Tokyo, and Rev. Mitsuo Miyake, Chief Minister Designated, and Rev. Yoshinobu Miyake, Executive Director as an IARF International Council member, attended from Konko Church of Izuo.

the meeting at Rissho Kosei-kai Headquarters

The agenda were IARF’s possibility in Taiwan and Aichi Expo. First, they analyzed the possibility of their activities in Taiwan according to the fieldwork on Aboriginal Taiwanese that JLC had carried out in September. Then they discussed in details how to participate as JLC to Aichi Expo 2005. World Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP) Japan Chapter had already officially decided to cooperate with JLC in the expo.

Group Visiting to the Headquarters

On October 5, a party of believers of Izuo Church visited the headquarters of Konko-kyo in Okayama prefecture to attend the 120th Anniversary Grand Service for the founder.

Izuo Church’s party in
the headquarters precincts

In connection with the 120th year since the Founder, Konko Daijin, had passed away, Konko-kyo held the anniversary grand service 5 times during September 28 to October 12. Izuo Church decided to charter a train to send the tour twice in this period.

the party paid a visit to the Sacred Hall

They informed their official visiting to the Sacred Hall as soon as they arrived, and then went up to Mt. Yuzaki where the tomb of the founder was located. A newly constructed elevator donated by Izuo Church and others enabled aged people to visit the founder’s tomb easily. Rev. Mitsuo Miyake, Chief Minister Designated of Izuo Church, delivered a sermon in front of the tomb.

the party offered a prayer for the tomb

The party also visited the cemetery for Izuo Church believer, which had been cleaned in June nd September, and Rev. Miyake offered a service.

the service in front
of Izuo Church’s cemetery

They attended the Grand Service at the Grand Worshipping Hall before they left for Osaka.

IRFO Seasonal Meeting

On October 3, International Religious Fellowship of Osaka (IRFO) had the seasonal meeting at Konko Church of Izuo with the attendance of more than 40 leaders from Shinto, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. Prior to the seasonal meeting, the board meeting was also held.

the most reverend delivered
an address at the board meeting

Dr. Yukio Yanagimoto, President of Shitenno-ji International Buddhist University, delivered a lucid lecture titled “The Future and Education in Japan”, and exchanged opinions with those who had a different religious background. Dr. Yanagimoto, who taught at Medical School of Osaka City University and established an institute named the Life Science Laboratory in 1972, researches the bad influence of chemical on human before the times. He is also active in various fields other than medical world, such as economic field or the network related Product Liability Law.

Dr. Yanagimoto delivered a lecture