H.E. George W. Bush
President of the United States of America
Dear Mr. President;
On behalf of all the believers of Konko Church of Izuo, I, the Most
Rev. Tatsuo Miyake as Honorary President of the World Conference of
Religion and Peace (WCRP)/International, would like to express my deepest
condolence over the many victims killed in the terrorism targeting the
World Trade Center Buildings and the Pentagon.
Whatever plausible reasons they have, no terrorism involving general
people can be permitted. Moreover, if they committed such an atrocity
under the name of "God," it must be said the worst blaspheme
against God. I cannot help grieving as a religious leader, even though,
I have another belief.
I hope from the bottom of my hart, that the government of the United
States withholds the armed retaliation against inhuman terrorism. Because
I believe the anti-violent is the only way to eliminate the international
terrorism. Violent retort on violence reproduces the vicious circle
of enmity and violence.
I and other religious leaders are tackling with the mission to clear
the origin of the terrorism through religious organizations such as
WCRP. So I would like to entreat you and your people to keep the anti-violent
with tolerant forgiveness.
Respectfully yours,
The Most Rev. Tatsuo Miyake
Senior Chief Minister,
Konko Church of Izuo
Honorary President,